
Read hyb / vienna files and analyze the fold information in the contained hybrid sequences.

Analysis Types:


Analysis of values of predicted intra-hybrid folding energy


Analysis of segment types


Analysis of miRNA segments distributions


Analysis of mirna target segment names and types


Analysis of folding data included in the analyzed hyb_records

This utility reads in one or more files in hyb-format (see the hybkit Hyb File Specification) along with a corresponding predicted RNA secondary structure file in the "Vienna" (Vienna Format) or "CT" (CT_Format) formats, and analyzes hybrid secondary structure properties.

For full information on the different analysis types, see the Analyses section of the hybkit documentation.

Example system calls:
$ hyb_analyze -a fold -i my_file_1.hyb -f my_file_1.vienna

$ hyb_analyze -a fold -i my_file_2.hyb -f my_file_2.ct \\
            --make_plots False
usage: hyb_analysis [-h] -i PATH_TO/MY_FILE.HYB [PATH_TO/MY_FILE.HYB ...]
                    [-f [PATH_TO/MY_FILE.VIENNA [PATH_TO/MY_FILE.VIENNA ...]]]
                    [-o PATH_TO/OUT_BASENAME [PATH_TO/OUT_BASENAME ...]]
                    [-d OUT_DIR] [-u OUT_SUFFIX]
                    [-a {energy,type,mirna,target,fold} [{energy,type,mirna,target,fold} ...]]
                    [-n ANALYSIS_NAME] [-p {True,False}] [--version] [-v | -s]
                    [--mirna_types MIRNA_TYPES [MIRNA_TYPES ...]]
                    [--custom_flags CUSTOM_FLAGS [CUSTOM_FLAGS ...]]
                    [--hyb_placeholder HYB_PLACEHOLDER]
                    [--reorder_flags {True,False}]
                    [--allow_undefined_flags [{True,False}]]
                    [--allow_unknown_seg_types [{True,False}]]
                    [--hybformat_id [{True,False}]]
                    [--hybformat_ref [{True,False}]]
                    [--allowed_mismatches ALLOWED_MISMATCHES]
                    [--fold_placeholder FOLD_PLACEHOLDER]
                    [-y {static,dynamic}]
                    [--error_mode {raise,warn_return,return}]
                    [--error_checks {hybrecord_indel,foldrecord_nofold,max_mismatch,energy_mismatch}]
                    [--iter_error_mode {raise,warn_return,warn_skip,skip,return}]
                    [--max_sequential_skips MAX_SEQUENTIAL_SKIPS]
                    [--quant_mode {single,reads,records}]
                    [--out_delim OUT_DELIM]

Named Arguments

-i, --in_hyb

REQUIRED path to one or more hyb-format files with a ".hyb" suffix for use in the evaluation.

-f, --in_fold

REQUIRED path to one or more RNA secondary-structure files with a ".vienna" or ".ct" suffix for use in the evaluation.

-o, --out_basename

Optional path to one or more basename prefixes to use for output. The appropriate suffix will be added based on the specific name. If not provided, the output for input file "PATH_TO/MY_FILE.HYB" will be used as a template for the basename "OUT_DIR/MY_FILE".

-d, --out_dir

Path to directory for output of files. Defaults to the current working directory.

Default: $PWD

-u, --out_suffix

Suffix to add to the name of output files, before any file- or analysis-specific suffixes. The file-type appropriate suffix will be added automatically.

-a, --analysis_types

Possible choices: energy, type, mirna, target, fold

Analysis to perform on input hyb and fold files.

Default: "fold"

-n, --analysis_name

Name / title of analysis data.

-p, --make_plots

Possible choices: True, False

Create plots of analysis output.

Default: True


Print version and exit.

-v, --verbose

Print verbose output during run.

Default: False

-s, --silent

Print no output during run.

Default: False

Hyb Record Settings


"seg_type" fields identifying a miRNA

Default: ['miRNA', 'microRNA']


Custom flags to allow in addition to those specified in the hybkit specification.

Default: []


placeholder character/string for missing data in hyb files.

Default: "."


Possible choices: True, False

Re-order flags to the hybkit-specification order when writing hyb records.

Default: True


Possible choices: True, False

Allow use of flags not defined in the hybkit-specification order when reading and writing hyb records. As the preferred alternative to using this setting, the --custom_flags argument can be be used to supply custom allowed flags.

Default: False


Possible choices: True, False

Allow unknown segment types when assigning segment types.

Default: False

Hyb File Settings


Possible choices: True, False

The Hyb Software Package places further information in the "id" field of the hybrid record that can be used to infer the number of contained read counts. When set to True, the identifiers will be parsed as: "<read_id>_<read_count>"

Default: False


Possible choices: True, False

The Hyb Software Package uses a reference database with identifiers that contain sequence type and other sequence information. When set to True, all hyb file identifiers will be parsed as: "<gene_id>_<transcript_id>_<gene_name>_<seg_type>"

Default: False

Fold Record Settings


For DynamicFoldRecords, allowed number of mismatches with a HybRecord.

Default: 0


Placeholder character/string for missing data for reading/writing fold records.

Default: "."

-y, --seq_type

Possible choices: static, dynamic

Type of fold record object to use. Options: "static": FoldRecord, requires an exact sequence match to be paired with a HybRecord; "dynamic": DynamicFoldRecord, requires a sequence match to the "dynamic" annotated regions of a HybRecord, and may be shorter/longer than the original sequence.

Default: "static"


Possible choices: raise, warn_return, return

Mode for handling errors during reading of HybFiles (overridden by HybFoldIter.settings['iter_error_mode'] when using HybFoldIter). Options: "raise": Raise an error when encountered and exit program ; "warn_return": Print a warning and return the error_value ; "return": Return the error value with no program output. record is encountered.

Default: "raise"

Hyb-Fold Iterator Settings


Possible choices: hybrecord_indel, foldrecord_nofold, max_mismatch, energy_mismatch

Error checks for simultaneous HybFile and FoldFile parsing. Options: "hybrecord_indel": Error for HybRecord objects where one/both sequences have insertions/deletions in alignment, which prevents matching of sequences; "foldrecord_nofold": Error when failure in reading a fold_record object; "max_mismatch": Error when mismatch between hybrecord and foldrecord sequences is greater than FoldRecord "allowed_mismatches" setting; "energy_mismatch": Error when a mismatch exists between HybRecord and FoldRecord energy values.

Default: ['hybrecord_indel', 'foldrecord_nofold', 'max_mismatch', 'energy_mismatch']


Possible choices: raise, warn_return, warn_skip, skip, return

Mode for handling errors found during error checks. Overrides HybRecord "error_mode" setting when using HybFoldIter. Options: "raise": Raise an error when encountered; "warn_return": Print a warning and return the value; "warn_skip": Print a warning and continue to the next iteration; "skip": Continue to the next iteration without any output; "return": return the value without any error output;

Default: "warn_skip"


Maximum number of record(-pairs) to skip in a row. Limited as several sequential skips usually indicates an issue with record formatting or a desynchronization between files.

Default: 100

Analysis Settings


Possible choices: single, reads, records

Method for counting records. Options: "single": Count each record as a single entry; "reads": Use the number of reads per hyb record as the count (may contain PCR duplicates); "records": Count the number of records represented by each hyb record entry (1 for "unmerged" records, >= 1 for "merged" records)

Default: "single"


Delimiter-string to place between fields in analysis output.

Default: ","

Output File Naming:

Output files can be named in two fashions: via automatic name generation, or by providing specific out file names.

Automatic Name Generation:

For output name generation, the default respective naming scheme is used:

hyb_script -i PATH_TO/MY_FILE_1.HYB [...]

This output file path can be modified with the arguments {--out_dir, --out_suffix} described below.

The output directory defaults to the current working directory ($PWD), and can be modified with the --out_dir <dir> argument. Note: The provided directory must exist, or an error will be raised. For Example:

hyb_script -i PATH_TO/MY_FILE_1.HYB [...] --out_dir MY_OUT_DIR

The suffix used for output files is based on the primary actions of the script. It can be specified using --out_suffix <suffix>. This can optionally include the ".hyb" final suffix. for Example:

hyb_script -i PATH_TO/MY_FILE_1.HYB [...] --out_suffix MY_SUFFIX
hyb_script -i PATH_TO/MY_FILE_1.HYB [...] --out_suffix MY_SUFFIX.HYB
Specific Output Names:

Alternatively, specific file names can be provided via the -o/--out_hyb argument, ensuring that the same number of input and output files are provided. This argument takes precedence over all automatic output file naming options (--out_dir, --out_suffix), which are ignored if -o/--out_hyb is provided. For Example:

hyb_script [...] --out_hyb MY_OUT_DIR/OUT_FILE_1.HYB MY_OUT_DIR/OUT_FILE_2.HYB
    -->  MY_OUT_DIR/OUT_FILE_1.hyb
    -->  MY_OUT_DIR/OUT_FILE_2.hyb

Note: The directory provided with output file paths (MY_OUT_DIR above) must exist, otherwise an error will be raised.