hybkit Toolkit

The hybkit toolkit contains command-line scripts for analysis and manipulation of hyb and fold files. Scripts are implemented in Python3, and the hybkit module must be on the user's PYTHONPATH for script execution.

The command-line options and flags are generated with the Python3 argparse module. Relevant settings pertaining to specific hybkit classes are accessible via command-line flags, as demonstrated in the "shell_analysis" implementations in the Example Analyses.

This version of hybkit includes the following executables:




Parse a hyb (/fold) file and check for errors


Evaluate hyb (/fold) records to identify segment types and miRNAs


Filter a hyb (/fold) file to a specific subset of sequences


Perform a type, miRNA, summary, or target analysis on a hyb (/fold) file

Detailed descriptions and usage information are available at each respective script page.